Registered Office Service

Why does Competex provide the registered office for all clients?

By providing the registered office, we can ensure all of your deadlines are met effectively through our tight compliance processes.

This saves us having to contact you in the case of any trivial matters and enables us to carry out the relevant duties associated with dealing with the statutory bodies on your behalf.

The location of your registered office determines which HMRC office handles your corporation tax affairs, allowing us to deal with the same tax office for all our clients, meet client deadlines easily, and handle routine mail quickly and easily.

What changes do we carry out at the time of forming or adopting your company to enable us to effectively carry out our duties as your accountants and provide the registered office?

  • We will change your company’s registered office from your home address to our office address in Blackborough Road, Reigate. Your trading address will not be changed.
  • We will add a SAIL address (Single Alternative Inspection Location) as that of our office address in Reigate.
  • We will register your company for PROOF, so that no one can alter your details on the Companies House website without first sending a letter to the registered office.
  • If you do not wish your home address to be visible on the public register, we can add our office address as your Director’s Service Address, for an additional yearly fee.